©2008-2010 *Never-let-me-go
This randomly came to my mind before going to bed. Been doing some thinking i guess. Something is clearly missing in my life. Something that ignites the burning flame in me, something that keeps me going, something for me to look forward to, something for to be obsessed with. Where has the Obsession gone?
This randomly came to my mind before going to bed. Been doing some thinking i guess. Something is clearly missing in my life. Something that ignites the burning flame in me, something that keeps me going, something for me to look forward to, something for to be obsessed with. Where has the Obsession gone?
When I was in secondary school, I'm obsessed in going out with friends. Obsessed with somebody. Obsessed in games. Obsessed in DOTA. Obsessed in fine dining and delicious food. Obsessed in branded things. Obsessed in music.
Games and DOTA? yeah.. I play them like no tomorrow. Kept playing day and night. Kept me going. Not much sleep but still going. Talking about it day and night.
Fine dining and delicious food. Yeah, I enjoy sitting in a dim lighted ristorante with a very expensive menu. I think I'm not so into food now though.
Obsessed in branded things, well kinda I guess? I used to be a BRAND SLAVE. I would go woohoo when I bought something branded or something. Like worshiping them wtf.
Music, something to make me keep listening. During secondary school some songs gave me that " soul - touching " sensation. I will keep listening to it. Writing out the lyrics on my secondary school table (vandalism). Singing it in class.
So, something is clearly missing right now in my life. The Fire, the burning sensation. I love it. It kept me going. Something to look forward to. Something to make me feel excited. I think things are going thru pretty slowly. I feel like an OLD man right now.
Seems like I dont really care much right now. Am I too tired? I don't know though.. But this is clearly missing. It has been with me for years. Suddenly I've lost it. I'm not touching my PSP or PS3.
I do not play from morning till night in an MMORPG like i used to be.
I don't fancy brand as much as last time. At least I won't go wohoo over something. Or felt rich or exclusive over some GUCCIs or Versaces or Louis Vuittons.
I don't go crazy over fine dinings or expensive and delicious food.
No songs made me felt the " soul - touching " sensation anymore. Or made me felt this song is meant for me or something.
Even iPad is not getting me excited or something. Sigh.
I'm like a soon-to-be extinguished flame gasping for more O2(s) to keep burning, super freako old man.
P/s: Banner is not up yet.. but soon sorry
-reignite my flame please.