
I will remember this date forever..
I made my choice, prepared for losses. Perhaps, not too prepared.
I'm a total wreck now.
Definitely a total mess.
How to cope with my daily life?
College works and stuffs..
I knew by making this choice, I need to give up alot of things already.
It's definitely killing me inside.
You are not me, you won't understand how I feel.
The SHIT I'm going through.
It's definitely not easy to be me..
It's never easy...
I hate myself for being me, but I don't have a choice.
You say you are sad? Think twice. Try being in my shoes.
seriously, FUCK YOU emo people.
You don't know how fucking lucky you are. FUCK YOU!
I've walked the road which is not taken.
No turning back now for what I've done..
I'm all by myself again :)
I need to fix myself up and stand up again.
-it's not easy to be me
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