
Been working from 9a.m. - 5.30p.m. now at my mother's office. Taken over the position as an Office Admin. To be frank it's pretty stress. Non - stop working no time for rest. Wtf.

Time passing quite fast.. It's gonna be 2010 soon. Well, not for another 2months+ ..
I hope time can slow down a little bit so i can enjoy my times in Malaysia :D
Gonna miss Malaysia for sure..

Just thinking how ridiculous human's mind can be..
One day this another day that. If you get what i mean.

Recently unable to control my temper properly. Getting pissed and dissed so easily. Like wtf is happening to my head!

Hoping tomorrow onwards things will go smoothly, well, sort of. I guess.

I'm so blur right now *wtf* .

Oh yeah btw, got my driving license finally!

But no car to drive lah.. sedih-nya.

Ahh.. i think my post tonight very the blur-ish and not THAT energetic wtf well cuz too tired gua.. well then.. nights :)

-hoping,timewontpassthatfast .


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