Updates, as I'm awake early
Woke up very early today, just got up from nightmare and can't go back to sleep =(Sat infront of my computer with my dimly litted table lamp and farting continuously (pretend u never see this thanks).
I think my room smells a little right now HAHAHA wtf.
Been thinking alot again =(
1. I'm Fat
2.I'm really Fat
3.I'm really damn Fat wtf.
4. Why is my table lamp blinking repeatedly? Wrong light bulb perhaps.
5. Why am I farting continuously in so early in the morning?
6. Assassin's Creed II rocks la.
7. Thanks to (6) as stated above, I'm missing Italy already :( especially Venice
8. Shui hates Italian languages as he's a serious case of a PUTTANA and STRONZO.
9. Chloe Ying getting a puppy soon. What name le? :)
10. Gucci is from Florence, not Milan :(
11. I hope Singapore shopping fiesta trip would be a success.
12. I can lose weight or not :(
13. Should I carry my bulky DSLR to Pyramid later? Put in bag or what... how :(
14. Leif Lee just finished his "mission"! I should pursuade him to DOTA now and quit SA cuz it sucks.
15. Wants to buy clothes for himself now, but don't know what to buy. Last time i bought clothes was like months ago.
16. Realizes that I wear almost the same clothing to college every freaking week.
17. Why is my table lamp still blinking? wtf.
18. I'm hungry now
20. Wants to get a job now for my future BAG. Unfortunately a chain series of event is making me hesitating in finding a job.
21. Wants to work together with Chloe Ying and Shui :)
22. I know you skipepd from #3 to 22# now :D
Oklah.. I took a picture from waiken and photoshop it. Very interesting composition >:)
credits: khongwaiken a.k.a. gheylorde.

23. Wondering why branded goods are so darn expensive and yet alot people still buying it :(
24. Worships Christina Aguilera and Adam Lambert
25. Wonder if there's any dessert store in Sunway Pyramid or nt.
26. Shui pronounce dessert as desert. epic.
27. Later needs to ask Samson to pass his empty whisky bottle to shui :)
28. Cookies are addictive.
29. Hates dumb and irresponsible people.
30. I'm still typing what I'm thinking.
31. I'm happy :)
32. Life is beautiful and wonderful
33. *I see trees are green... red roses too* is playing in my head.
34. Lucie Jones from X-Factor is awesome :)
35. Unfortunately noob Leif thinks she's a loser wth.
36. Wonders is Kelly is already half rotted or not,
37. What should I have for breakfast later?
38. My SUNJAR isn't so successful and it cannot be sold :(
39. because the cost of making it too expensive.
40. What on Earth should I get for noob Shui birthday?
41. I'm still farting.
42 and the light is still blinking wtf.
43. ok... the end. for now.
okla.. i know u know tht im out of pictures to put in my blog :(
so oh well, weeks ago i drew something la.
now only put in blog hehe!
i still don't have a name for him yet but oh well. i think his 3 strands of hair is rather.. weird :D

-random updates lah wtf..
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